Creating Motion Estimation Timewarps

Motion estimation analyses the pixels in each frame and interpolates the motion in the clip with sub-frame precision. Motion estimation is good for processing slow-motion constant or variable speed timewarps of interlaced and progressive material. Motion estimation is also good for material that introduces artifacts or for which you cannot get satisfactory results using Trail or Mix values.

To process a timewarp using a motion estimation:

  1. From the Timewarp Processing option box, select Motion.

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  2. Select a Quality option.
    Select: To:
    Full Res Obtain the best results possible with pixel-accurate motion estimation.
    1/2 Res to 1/16 Res Increase processing speed by calculating motion estimation results based on progressively larger sample areas. The result is less accurate, but these options are useful for previewing purposes.
    TipIn cases where your clips contain less motion, or the moving content contains little detail, the 1/2 Res or 1/4 Res Quality options may be sufficient to process the final result.