Sparks Load Node

Use the Sparks Load node to populate multiple Sparks nodes at the same time into a destination bin. Populating a bin with predefined Sparks nodes saves you time since you do not have to access the Sparks browser each time you want to use one of the preloaded Sparks.

Unlike the Sparks node, the Sparks Load node itself cannot be dragged to the schematic; only the predefined node populated into a bin can be dragged to the schematic.

To create a predefined Sparks node in a bin:

  1. Drag the Sparks Load node on top of any tab in the All Tools bin except the All Nodes tab.

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    The Sparks browser appears.

  2. Select a Sparks. To make multiple selections, Ctrl-click each Sparks that you want to load.
  3. Click Load.

    The selected Sparks are created as their own Sparks nodes in the destination bin. To use one of the preloaded Sparks, drag it from the destination bin to the schematic. You do not have to re-enter the Sparks browser to load a Sparks if you preloaded it into a bin.