Stereo Object Texture Settings

Use the Texture tab of the Stereo Object menu to position, rotate, scale, shear, and centre the left and right images of a stereo object.

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The Texture controls are described as follows.

Position X, Y, and Z fieldsTranslate the selected axis.

Rotation X, Y, and Z fieldsRotate the selected axis.

Scaling X, Y, and Z fieldsChange the size of the axis.

Shear X, Y, and Z fieldsShear the axis.

Centre X, Y, and Z fieldsOffset an axis relative to its children.

Prop Scale buttonEnable to scale the X, Y, and Z axes proportionally.

Edit Mode settings

Select: To:
Sync L+R Link the Left Eye and Right Eye values. A change to one value affects the other value.
Absolute/Relative Absolute: Make the values of the Left Eye and Right Eye the same when adjusting the value. Relative: Make the value of one eye relative to the change in the value of the other eye.
Left Eye/Right Eye Apply changes to the left or right eye and display the values of the left or right texture.