Stereo Object Correction Settings

Use the Correction tab of the Stereo Object menu to indicate how the footage was shot, and make interaxial offset and FOV offset adjustments to the left/right images.

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The Correction controls are described as follows.

Interaxial Offset fields (Left Eye/Right Eye/Current Camera)Displays the offset distance between the left and right eye compared to the FBX camera. The Current Camera fields display the Interaxial of the selected camera.

FOV Offset fields (Left Eye/Right Eye/Current Camera)Displays the offset field of view between the left and right eye compared to the FBX camera. The Current Camera fields display the FOV of the selected camera.

Stereo Clip Type boxSpecify how the footage was shot: Parallel, Off-axis, or Converged.

Camera boxSelect the camera to which the stereo object is linked so that the correct transformations are applied when changing the Interaxial and FOV offset with regards to the FBX camera setting.

Edit Mode settings

Select: To:
Sync L+R Link the Left Eye and Right Eye values. A change to one value affects the other value. The left eye position is a combination of the camera’s left eye position and the left interaxial offset; the same applies for the right eye. The effective FOV for the correction is the sum of the camera’s FOV and the FOV offset.
Absolute/Relative Absolute: Make the values of the Left Eye and Right Eye the same. Relative: Make the value of one eye relative to the change in the value of the other eye.