Copying Audio to Another Clip

You can copy the audio tracks of one clip to another clip. When you copy the audio, you can choose how the audio tracks are handled in the record clip. The new audio tracks can overwrite the audio tracks in the record clip or get appended to them as additional tracks, up to a maximum of 32 audio tracks.

To copy one or both audio tracks to another clip:

  1. From the Format menu, select Copy.

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  2. From the Copy option box, select Audio.

    The Overwrite/Append button appears.

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    (a) Copy option box  (b) Overwrite/Append button  

  3. Toggle the Overwrite/Append button as needed.
    Select: To:
    Overwrite Overwrite the audio tracks in the record clip with those of the source clip.
    Append Append the audio tracks in the record clip with those of the source clip, up to a maximum of 32 audio tracks.
  4. Select the source clip.
  5. Select the record clip.

    The audio tracks are copied to the record clip.