Writing Media to the Framestore Using the Stonifise Tool

Writing media to the framestore is useful when you want to ensure that others cannot alter your work, or when you require real-time playback. This is especially useful for soft-imported media, which normally resides on an open, shared storage location.

You can write media to the framestore as a background process. See Using the Stonifise Tool in the Background.

To write media to the framestore:

  1. In the clip library, select the clip that you want to write to the framestore.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. From the Tools box, select Stonifise.

    The Stonifise options appear.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Tools box  (b) Destination Library box  (c) Add To Queue box  (d) Media Type box  

  4. From the Media Type box, select the option corresponding to your needs.
    Select: To:
    Audio/Video Write both audio and video media to the framestore.
    Audio Only Write only audio media to the framestore.
    Video Only Write only video media to the framestore.
  5. Click Stonifise.

    Copies of the selected clips are written to the framestore. The clips that you selected remain soft-imported. The original media is still available but is now a separate entity from the clip written to the framestore. If more than one instance of the same clip was soft-imported, only the media of the selected clips is written to the framestore.