
The following is a list of global viewing hotkeys.

Press: To:
F1 Display Playhead A.
F2 Display Playhead B.
Ctrl+F1 Cycle through the colour view selections (i.e., colour, red, green, blue, and luminance channels).
Shift+Ctrl+F1 Return to the previous colour view selection.
F3 Cycle through the viewer options (i.e., Single, Dual, or Multi view).
Shift+F3 Return to the previous viewer option.
F4 Cycle through the Playhead A and B Dual view modes (i.e., 2-up, horizontal wipe, and vertical wipe).
Shift+F4 Return to the previous Playhead A and B Dual view mode.
Ctrl+F4 Cycle through the Stereo Dual view modes (i.e., 2-up, horizontal wipe, vertical wipe, and blend).
Shift+Alt+F4 Return to the previous Stereo Dual view mode.
F5 Toggle between the current view options and the Single (default) view.
Ctrl+F5 Cycle through the Multi view modes (i.e., 2, 4, 9, and 16).
Shift+Ctrl+F5 Return to the previous Multi view mode.
Shift+ Swap the position of two shots.
Shift+1 Enable Update Storyboard mode.
E Show the high dynamic range (HDR) value of the selected colour within the OpenEXR media.
Ctrl+Delete Delete selected grade files in the expanded Grade bin.
Ctrl+Delete If no grade files are selected, delete selected folders in the Grade view file browser.