FCP XML Conform Workflow

To provide a smooth transition when importing FCP XML files into Flint, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that there is only one timecode track used in each of the selected files. See Setting One Timecode Track in Final Cut Pro.
  2. Prepare the sequences in FCP that will be exported as XML. Do one of the following:
    • If you are editing from tape, perform logging and capture from a VTR in FCP. See Logging and Capturing from Tape in Final Cut Pro.
    • If you are editing from files, verify that the supported media specifications and network configuration links are still valid for accessing the file-based media.
  3. Edit and add effects and transitions in FCP. See Supported and Unsupported Effects.
  4. Export XML sequences from FCP. See Exporting Sequences from Final Cut Pro.
  5. Import the FCP XML, and then recapture or relink the media. See Importing Final Cut Pro XML.
  6. Work on the recaptured project and finish it for final output.