Using the xml_adsk_tapename Script

The QuickTime files created in REDCINE have tape names that match the first four characters of the R3D filenames, such as A001. But WiretapCentral requires the full 16-character tape names. If you edit in FCP and export an XML with those QuickTime files, you need to convert the tape names back to 16-character format. Use the Python script installed by WiretapCentral to perform this conversion.

The Python script is located in the /usr/discreet/wiretapcentral/scripts/ directory. Use it to process the FCP XML: it replaces the four-character tape names with the ones extracted from the header of the QuickTime file. You can then use the FCP XML in WiretapCentral.

The script creates a new copy of the processed XML file. To use it, put the script in a same directory as the FCP XML file and type:

python name_of_the_file_to_modify.xml name_of_the_destination_file.xml

For example, to modify the tape names in abc.xml, navigate to the directory containing abc.xml and type:

python abc.xml abc_fixed.xml