Loading a Clip into the Player

To load a clip into the player:

  1. Navigate to the clip of interest.
  2. Double-click on the clip to open the player and load the clip. You can double-click a thumbnail or a row in the list view.

    The player appears in the main view area with the clip loaded.

    The progress bar indicates how much of the clip has been downloaded. Clips in the player are partially playable and scrubbable even when processing or downloading is not yet complete.

    The meaning of the different colours in the time bar is explained below.

    Time Bar Colour Description
    orange corkscrew Clip is not yet playable.
    grey A grey progress bar indicates a playable clip is being generated. Grey from start-to-finish indicates the clip is generated and resides in your browser’s cache.
    blue Playable clip has been generated on the server, but remains to be downloaded into your cache.
    yellow Indicates position when playing or scrubbing.
  3. To switch back to the previous view mode, from the View menu, select either Thumbnails or List View.