Importing Mattes

Use the Import Matte buttons to import mattes stored on the four channels that are available in a TGA or TIFF file. You can then use the matte in place of extracting a key for the current secondary.

TipUsing the four channels in TGA and TIFF files, you can apply up to four predefined secondaries to the shot.

Matte sources must be saved in a directory named matte. The matte directory must be stored in the directory that contains the original footage you are working on. For example, if the shot footage is stored in scans/tigris01/914x666/15700.dpx, the matte must be stored in scans/tigris01/914x666/matte/15700.tif.

NoteThe matte file cannot be compressed and must be present at the first image of the file sequence.

To import a matte:

  1. In the Storyboard, select a shot with a TIFF or TGA matte.
  2. In the Secondaries menu, right-click a Secondary button to enable it.

    Show small imageShow large image

  3. Enable the R, G, B, or A (alpha) channel.

    Show small imageShow large image

  4. Click M in the View Mode panel to view the image in Secondary view.

    The matte is applied to the shot and the opaque areas of the matte can be combined with a geometry for secondary colour grading.