
Spreadsheets are data structures that function as traditional spreadsheets, but with certain areas of the spreadsheets pre-defined and configured to contain extra data.

Set values with FBSpread::SetCellValue().

See the sample script Spread.py which shows how to create a tool with a spreadsheet.

Spread Parts

The class FBSpreadPart can be used to represent any element of a spreadsheet. All of the objects in a spreadsheet inherit from this class, giving any element in the spreadsheet common characteristics.

Header Row

The header row is the top row of the spreadsheet. It can be clicked or selected, and it can contain titles. The header row does not have all of the spread cell properties that data cells have.


Column-1 is the first column of row titles in the spreadsheet. It has special aspects that are slightly different in functionality from the other columns in the spreadsheet.

Data cells

The data cells, depending on the settings for that particular cell, can contain and display various elements. The CellType property determines which variable is to be displayed.

In the following example, setting the style causes the spread cell to display the contents of its double variable: mSpread.GetCell(0,1).Style = kFBCellStyleDouble;

However, the various values in a cell do not use a common memory space, so cells can contain values of different types (integer, double, etc.).