Setting up the simulation


Set up the lesson by doing the following:

  1. Open SlagPourFoundry_1.mb.
  2. In the Preferences window do the following:
    • Under Categories, select Time Slider.
    • In the Playback section, set Playback speed to Play every frame.
    • Set Max Playback Speed to Real-time [24 fps].
  3. In the Outliner, select the geo_chute and geo_tub objects and convert them to passive collision objects by selecting nMesh > Create Passive Collider.

    When you create the passive collision objects, a nucleus node (nucleus1) is also created to control all Nucleus objects in the simulation.

  4. Rename nRigid1 and nRigid2 to nRigid_chute and nRigid_tub.

    Renaming your objects makes them easy to identify in the Outliner and Attribute Editor.

  5. In the Outliner, select one of the nRigid objects.
  6. In the Attribute Editor, switch to the nucleus1 tab, and in the Ground Plane section, set the following:
    • Turn on Use Plane.
    • For Plane Origin, set the Y axis to -3.0.
    • Set Plane Bounce to 0.7
    • Set Plane Friction to 0.16.
    • Leave other nucleus node settings to the default values.

    This Plane Origin sets the Nucleus plane level with the foundry floor. nParticles that collide with the Nucleus plane will appear to collide with the floor so you do not need to convert the floor geometry to a passive collision object. Collisions with the Nucleus plane are computed faster than collisions with passive collision object, which can decrease simulation time.