Tracker UI


The Tracker UI contains the following parameters:

(a) Tracker browser  (b) Add Analyzer  (c) Display controls  (d) Analyze controls  (e) Reference box controls  (f) Tracker box controls  (g) X and Y shift controls  

Use: To:
Tracker Browser View a list of all tracker analyzers you add to the tracker. Right-clicking any tracker analyzer to display a list of options to delete, rename or select all tracker analyzers.
Add Add tracker analyzers to the tracker.
Display Preview View the most recent match found for the tracker. Clicking it again disables the control.
Display Zoom Determine how much the reference area appears magnified in the reference box by setting the Zoom factor.
Display Color Change the color of the tracker and reference boxes by clicking the color pot, then selecting a new color from the color picker.
Analyze Forward Run the analysis forward. Click again to turn tracking on and off.
Analyze Backward Run the analysis backward. Click again to turn tracking on and off.
Analyze Forward one frame Advance the analysis forward by one frame.
Analyze Backward one frame Advance the analysis backward by one frame.
Fixed Reference Leave the contents of the reference box unchanged during tracking. This is faster than Roaming. It is also less flexible since it assumes little or no change to the reference feature.
Roaming reference Update the contents of the reference box at each frame. Use this option when the reference feature undergoes significant changes in luma or shape cues during the footage. For example, if the reference feature undergoes lighting changes, choosing Roaming increases the chances of finding a match at each frame.
Tolerance Set how much tolerance for error there is in locating a match for the reference box. A keyframe is only set for the frame if a match is found. If Tolerance is set to 100%, a match is always found, regardless of how wrong it may be. If Tolerance is set to 0%, a keyframe is only set for the frame if an exact match for the reference box is found.
Snap Update the contents of the reference box at the current frame.
Reference Change the size and position of the reference box.
Tracker B Change the size and position of the tracker box.
Shift Change or reset the shift values.

Changing the Color of a Tracker

Each Tracker Analyzer is automatically assigned a different color. However, the color may be obscured by existing colors in the footage you are tracking. You can change the color of the tracker to make tracking easier.

To change the color of a tracker:

  1. In the File Browser, click the Tracker that corresponds to the tracker you want to change.
  2. Under Display, click the color pot next to Color.

    The color picker appears.

  3. Select a new color that can be easily seen in the footage and click Set.

    The tracker changes color.

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