

The following chapter contains Expressions functions.

Conditional Functions

The Expressions Conditional functions return values based on explicit conditions.

Function Description
If(expr1, expr2, expr3) Returns the value of the second or third expression, depending on the evaluation of the first one: if expr1 evaluates to true, returns to expr2; returns expr3 otherwise. Expr1 is a boolean expression. Expr2 and expr3 can be two values, two vectors, or two boolean expressions. This enables users to piece together snippets along the time domain.

Math Functions

Expressions Math Functions let you express advanced math functions.

Function Description
Abs (number) Returns the absolute value of a given number.
Sign (number) Returns the sign of the given number.
Pow (number, power) Returns a number to the power of an exponent.
Sqrt (number) Returns the square root of a given number.
Mod (number, divisor) Returns the remainder from dividing one number by another.
Average (number1, number2) Returns the average of the given values.
Log (number) Returns the logarithm to base 10 of the given value (for base -2 log, use Ln).
Ln (number) Returns the natural logarithm of the given value.
Exp (number) Returns the exponential of the given value.
Min (number1,number2) Returns the smaller of the given numbers.
Max (number1, number2) Returns the larger of the given numbers.

Profile Functions

The Expressions Profile functions return values based on curve profiles.

Function Description
Bell (center, height, width) Returns the Gaussian (normal distribution) function, also known as a bell-shaped or bell curve, based on the center time, height and half-height-width of the curve.
EaseIn (start time, end time) Returns an increasing Hermite-like transition S-curve between two given times.
EaseOut (start time, end time) Returns a decreasing Hermite-like transition S-curve between two given times.
Sinus (period, amplitude,offset) Returns a sinus profile curve based on the given period, amplitude and offset values.
Square (period, amplitude,offset) Returns a square profile curve based on the given period, amplitude and offset values.

Random Number Functions

Expressions Random Number functions are operators that return random values based on given vectors and seed values.

Function Description
Rand (seed) Returns a random value between 0.0 and 1.0, based on the given seed.
TrueRand (low, high) Returns a truly random value between two given numbers. The sequence of returned values constantly changes, never producing past results.
Noise (seed) Returns a random value between -1 and 1, based on a given seed.
Turbulence (seed, level) Returns a random value between -1 and 1, based on a given vector and with the ability to control the level of smoothness of the resulting curve.
Noise3 (seed) Returns a random vector for all elements in a vector between -1 and 1.
Turbulence3 (3d_seed,level) Returns a random vector with all the elements in the vector between -1 and 1, with the ability to control the level of smoothness of the resulting curve.

Rounding Functions

The Expressions Rounding Functions return rounded values.

Function Description
Round (number) Returns a number rounded to the nearest integer.
Ceil (number) Rounds a number up to the next integer value regardless of its value.
Floor (number) Rounds a number down to the next integer value regardless of its value.
Trunc (number) Returns the integer value of a number by truncating its fractional part.

Time Functions

The Expressions Time functions return values based on time.

Function Description
t Returns the current time in seconds.
Eval Returns the value of a given expression at another point in time.

Trigonometric Functions

The Expressions Trigonometric functions return or convert values using trigonometric functions.

Function Description
Degrees (angle) Converts angle units from radians into degrees.
Radians (angle) Converts angle units from degrees into radians.
Cos (angle) Returns the cosine of a given angle in degrees.
Sin (angle) Returns the sine of a given angle in degrees.
Tan (angle) Returns the tangent of a given angle in degrees.
Acos (number) Returns the arc-cosine (in degrees, from 0 to 180) of a given number.
Asin (number) Returns the arcsine (in degrees, from -90 to 90) of a given number.
Atan (number) Returns the arctangent (in degrees, from -90 to 90) of a given number.
Atan2 (X, Y) Returns the arctangent of y/x, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value. The returned angle is given in degrees within the range 180 to -180.

Vector Functions

Expressions Vector functions are used to express vector behavior.

Function Description
(expr1, expr2, expr3) Returns a vector composed of the evaluation of the individual component expression.
Dot (vector1, vector2) Returns the dot product of two vectors.
Cross (vector1, vector2) Returns a vector, the cross product of two vectors.
Length (vector) Returns the length of a given vector.
LookAt (targetPos,ObserverPos, AlignVector) Returns a rotation vector based on a target position, an observer position and an align direction vector.
Align (targetPos, alignVector, bankingAngle) Returns a rotation vector such that a designated axis of an object is aligned with the direction of the object's movement. The banking angle controls the rotation around the axis, in radians.
Distance (pos1, pos2) Returns the distance between the two points represented by the vectors pos1 and pos2.
relangle relangle (point1, point2, delta1, delta2): returns the angle between two vectors (point1,point2) and (point1+delta1,point2+delta2). All parameters are 2D vectors.This is used for implementing rotation tracking.
relscale relscale (point1, point2, delta1, delta2): returns the ratio between the length of vector (point1+delta, point2+delta2) and (point1, point2).All parameters are 2D vectors.This is used for implementing scale tracking.

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