

The Displace tool lets you use a control image to drive the displacement used to warp the primary input image. There are two ways to displace a primary image: Modulation and Vectors. Both ways can be combined together by specifying the Modulation Image and a Forward Vectors image.

Displacing with Modulation

You can use a single channel to modulate the displacement along a fixed direction. You can define the fixed distance and angle and the displacement increases or decreases by the intensity of the channels (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha or Luma) of the modulation image.

Use: To:
Distance Specify the distance of displacement in pixels.
Angle Specify the angle of displacement all pixels in the image will be rotated by in degrees.
Channel Select which channel from the modulation image will be used to displace the image in a fixed direction as specified by the distance and angle.

Input image

Displacing with Forward Vectors

You can use a forward vector image to define the displacement of the primary input image. Each pixel can be moved in a different direction. The red component of the image represents the X direction of the motion vector and the green component the Y direction. The vectors can be scaled and rotated before applying the result on each input image pixels.

Use: To:
Scale Scale all motion vectors of the forward vectors image.
Rotation Apply a rotation to all motion vectors of the forward vectors image. The rotation is expressed in degrees.

Input image

TipDecreasing the opacity of the Modulation or Forward Vectors image will decrease the distance of the displacement.

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