Ranges Controls


When using a CC Basics or CC Histo tool, you can redefine what constitutes a shadow, midtone, or highlight.

(a) Shadows curve  (b) Midtones curve  (c) Highlights curve  

To display the curves for the three tonal ranges:

  1. Select the Ranges tab.

To redefine shadows, highlights, or midtones:

  1. Select a Display parameter from the drop-down menu.
  2. Drag the tangent handle connected to the curve you have selected to modify.

To see the effects of the curves on color balance:

  1. Open the CC Basics UI.
  2. Under Balance, adjust the Hue and Gain to set the color balance for each of the Shadow, Midtone, and Highlight ranges.
  3. Go back to the Ranges controls and set the curves.
  4. Go back to the CC Basics controls. Without changing the color balance setup, note that the resulting image is different from that in step 1.

    The difference is the result of the changes that were made to the curves of the shadows, midtones, and highlights.

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