Multi-Camera Rig Tool

Select Stereo > Editors > Custom Multi Rig to open the Multi-Camera Rig Tool window.

Use the Multi-Camera Rig Tool to create a multi-camera rig of two or more stereoscopic cameras.

The Multi-Camera Rig Tool has a three layered multli-camera rig defined by default. You can also create your own custom multi-camera rig using this tool. You can customize the number of layers in your multi-camera rig, and you can customize the rig type for every layer. Choose between the standard stereo camera or any custom rig that you have registered.

Multi Rig Name

Enter a name for your multi-camera rig. This name is used to populate the Create > Cameras menu and the Stereo > Create menu after you have created an instance of your custom multi-camera rig.

Naming Prefix / Layer Prefix

Enter a naming prefix for your multi-camera rig and for each layer. The main node for each layer will have the name <Naming Prefix Layer Prefix>. For example, by default, Layer 0 has the name shotNear.

Rig Type

You can choose to create a layer for your rig using the standard stereo camera or any custom stereo rig that you have registered.

Auto create object set

Each rig can be associated with an object set. This object set indicates what can be seen by the rig. By default, the sets are not populated. Use Stereo > Make Links to populate. See Linking a stereo camera with a set of objects for more information.


Click New to create a new custom multi-camera rig.


Click Create to create your custom multi-camera rig. Your custom multi-camera rig is added to the Create > Cameras menu and the Stereo > Create menu so that you can create additional instances of this multi-camera rig.


Click Remove to remove the custom multi-camera rig from the Multi-Camera Rig Tool.

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