
Description: Mirrors Muscle deformer weights across an axis from one side to another.


Short Flag Long Flag Argument Description
-a -axis int The mirror axis when loading by point position. You can use this to mirror the points in conjunction with Search and Replace. -1 means no mirror. 0=X-axis, 1=Y-axis, 2=Z-axis.
-rep -replace string String for Replace in each influence name.
-spc -space string When loading by point position, space to use for points. Either "world" or "object". Default is "world".
-src -search string String for search in each influence name.
-sys -system string Muscle deformer.
-tol -tolerance float When loading by point position, points must be within this distance squared to be loaded. Default is -1 which means ignore. Any value 0 or higher is used as a tolerance match.
-wt -weight string What type of weight to alter. Must be a string of one of the following:"sticky", “stickyb”, “stickyc”, "sliding", "direction",” smartregiona”, “smartregionb”, “smartbulk”, “smartbulkangular”, “smartbulkwiden”, “smartslide”, “smartslideangular”, “smartsmooth”, “smartwrinkle”, “smartflatten”, “smartvolumize”, “force”, “jiggle”, “cycle”, “rest”, “relax”, “wrinkle”, “smooth”, “smoothcompress”, “smoothexpand”, “selfcollision”, “selfrigidity”, “selfVolumize”.If left blank, sticky is assumed.


cMuscleWeightMirror -sys cMuscleSystem1 -wt "sticky" -a 0 -search "Lf" -replace "Rt" ; // Mirror sticky weights from -X to +X taking into account // any search and replace