
Description: Binds or shapes geometry for the given cMuscleSplineDeformer.


Short Flag Long Flag Argument Description
-b -bind   Perform the bind.
-ep -endpts   Return position of the start/end points of the surface. Returns 6 values, the first 3 are the X,Y,Z position of the start, the next 3 are the X,Y,Z position of the end in World space.
-si -sindex int Custom shape index to store.
-tgt -target string Target shape for shape creation.


cMuscleSplineBind -bind cMuscleSplineDeformer1 ; // Perform bind on given muscle spline deformer, so deformation // can occur. 
 float $posData[6] = `cMuscleSplineBind -endpts cMuscleSplineDeformer1` ; // Retrieve the start/end points on the surface where the start/ // end movers should be placed at. 
cMuscleSplineBind -si 3 -tgt "shapeTgtObjShape" cMuscleSplineDeformer1 ; // Store a new shaping target at index 3 from the given shape // object.