Overall solve workflow

Getting a solution is an iterative process. The same workflow applies whether solving for camera movement or object movement. The main steps are:

When you are finished, you can export the solution camera and 3D locators. This feature is useful for sharing with users that are not licensed for Live or who are using Discreet® software.

Reference geometry workflow

If you have reference geometry for the scene, you may want to create point constraints for those features before you solve. Use Maya snap tools to snap the geometry to the point constraints.

Another workflow is to solve and then use the lock setting in the Locator Summary panel. For more information, see Choose survey constraints.

Use the Solve control panels

The Solve control panel is where you execute the solve process. It also includes a solution list to help you manage your work. Every solution result is listed so you can move between them and compare results.

The following illustration summarizes the main areas of the Solve control panel.