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Adding polygons to a mesh
Lesson 1: Modeling a polygonal mesh
Terminating edge loops
Splitting polygon faces
in the lesson you split the helmet mesh by inserting edge loops
across the mesh. You can split localized areas of a mesh using the Split
Polygon Tool. When using the tool you draw a line across
the faces to indicate the location for the split. You'll begin by
vertically splitting the face shield.
split the face shield vertically
- Select
Edit Mesh > Split Polygon Tool > .
The Split Polygon Tool settings
editor appears.
- Set
the following options:
- Split
only from edges: On
- Use
snapping points along the edge: On
- Snapping
tolerance: 100
These settings let you begin and end your split
at a location that corresponds exactly with an edge and lets you
snap to the midpoint and ends of the edge you select. (The number
of points setting of 1 ensures this). These settings will help to
ensure that the faces you split align exactly and that the four-sided
topology of the mesh is maintained.
- Tumble
the camera in the perspective view so you can view both the upper inner
edges of the face shield as well as the lower inner edges.
- Click-drag
the top inner edge of the face shield to indicate the start of the split
(see image below). Drag the mouse to position the vertex until it stops
at the right side of the edge.
- Click-drag
on the lower inner edge of the helmet mesh to indicate the end of
the split (see image). Drag the mouse to the right until the vertex
stops at the right side of the edge.
- Press
the y key to split the face.
- Press
the g key to select the Split Polygon Tool again,
and then continue to split the face shield vertically at the other
locations specified in the image below. Remember to press the y
key after each split and then the g key to select the tool again.
When you are finished the n-gon for the face
shield will be split into four or five new polygons (depending on
how you've constructed your mesh).
One polygon on the side of the face shield will
still be five-sided. To correct this, you'll also split the face
shield horizontally. Splitting the face shield horizontally will
also let you modify its shape afterwards.
split the face shield horizontally
- In
the perspective view, with the Split Polygon Tool still
active, click-drag the inner side edge (see image) to indicate the
start location for the horizontal split.
- In
the side view, click-drag the front vertical border edge of the
face shield (this border edge lies on the axis of symmetry) and
release the mouse button at the mid-point along the edge where the
vertex naturally snaps (as if a magnet were attracting it towards
that location).
- Press
the y key to split the faces.
NoteWhen you split across multiple faces at
the same time you only need to click an edge to indicate the start
point for the split and on a second edge to indicate the end point.
The Split Polygon Tool automatically
splits the edges in between.
- Press
the q key to quit the Split Polygon Tool.
In the next steps you'll reposition some of
the vertices along the horizontal split to make the face shield
protrude outwards a small amount.
adjust the shape of the face shield
- In
the side view, select the middle two vertices at the front of the
face shield and use the Move Tool to
move the vertices outwards (+Z) a small amount (see image).
- In
the perspective view, select the remaining middle vertices on the
face shield one at a time and reposition them outwards a small distance
using the Move Tool with the Move
Setting option set to Normal.
TipTumble the perspective view so you can see
the relationship between the vertices as you move them outwards.
- Reset
the Move Tool's Move
Settings to World before
continuing to the next steps.
To create the diagonal grill vents on the lower
front of the helmet you’ll insert edges on the face, reposition
some of the vertices, and then extrude some of the faces.
insert multiple edges for the diagonal grill vents
- Select
Edit Mesh > Insert Edge Loop Tool > .
- In the Insert Edge Loop Tool
Options window, set the following:
- Multiple
Edge Loops: On
- Number
of edge loops: 4
- Auto
Complete: Off
These settings let you insert four evenly spaced
edges on the face where you want the grill vents to appear.
- In
the perspective view, click the border edge of the face where the
grill vents will appear and then click the edge directly opposite
that border edge (see image).
- Press
the y key to complete the edge loop insertion
- Click
off the mesh to deselect the edges.
- Press
the q key to exit the tool and return to selection mode.
To make the grill vents appear diagonally you’ll
select the vertices on the right side and then slide them downwards
using the Move Tool.
move vertices along an edge using the Move Tool
- Right-click
the helmet mesh and change the selection mode to Vertex.
- Select
the vertices on the right side of the grill feature (see image below).
- Double-click
the Move Tool icon to display the Move
Tool’s settings editor.
- In
the Move Tools’ settings editor,
click the Set to Edge button.
The vertices appear unselected temporarily.
The Move Tool expects you to select
an edge it will reference for the axis of movement.
- Click
an edge that is on the same line of the edges as the vertices you selected.
The Move Tool manipulator
appears and is aligned to the edge you selected. The vertices appear
selected again indicating that the Move Tool is
now set to move those vertices along the axis defined by the edge
you selected.
- Drag
the red arrow on the Move manipulator downwards
to move the vertices so that the shape of the faces for the grill
are more diagonal (see image).
NoteMake sure you do not move the vertices so
that the lowest vertex touches the corner vertices or you’ll create
an edge that has zero length.
- Click
off the mesh to deselect the vertices.
- Before
proceeding to the next section, double-click the Move
Tool and reset the tool settings by clicking the Reset
Tool button.
To make the grill vents three-dimensional, you’ll
extrude some of the thin diagonal faces inwards.
extrude the faces for the grill feature
- Right-click
the helmet mesh and change the selection mode to Face.
- Beginning
at the bottom of the grill feature, shift-select the two diagonal faces
as indicated in the image below.
- Select
Edit Mesh > Extrude.
The Extrude manipulator
- Drag
the blue arrow on the Extrude manipulator
towards the helmet a short distance to create the two recessed vents
for the grill.
- Press
the q key to quit the Extrude feature.
- Shift-select
the two side faces on the grill vents that lie on the axis of symmetry
and delete them (see image below). These faces will not be required when
you create the opposite half of the helmet.
- Save
your work before proceeding to the next section.