Particle Collision Event Editor

Particles > Particle Collision Event Editor

Lets you create and edit particle collision events.

Related Topics

Particles > Particle Collision Event Editor

Objects and Events

Click a particle object in the Objects list to select it. All events belonging to the selected particle object are displayed in the Events window.

Update Object List

Updates the list of objects if you have added or deleted particle objects while the editor is displayed.

Selected Object

Displays the selected object.

Selected Event

Displays the selected event.

Set Event Name

Edit or create an event name.

Creading Event/Editing Event

Label changes to indicate if you are creating or editing an event.

New Event

Click this button to create a new event.

All Collisions

Check this box to have the event occur on all collisions.

Collision Number

Adjust this value to have the event occur on a specific collision number.

Event Type


Check this box to set the particle event type to Emit.


Check this box to set the particle event type to Split

Random # Particles

Check this box to instruct the event to use a random number of particles.

Num Particles

Adjust this value to affect the number of particles involved in the event.


Adjust this value to affect the spread of the particles involved in the event.

Target Particle

Input a particle into this field to be used as a target for the event.

Inherit Velocity

Adjust this value to affect the percentage of velocity that particles inherit during the event.

Event Actions

Original Particle Dies

Check this box if you want the original particle to die during the event.

Event Procedure

The Event Procedure is a MEL script procedure that will be executed whenever any particle in the particle object that owns the event collides with an object. The procedure must have the following format and argument list:

global proc myEventProc(string $particleName, int $particleID, string $objectName)

where $particleName is the name of the particle object that owns the event, $particleID is the ID number of the particle in that object that has collided, and $objectName is the name of the object against which the particle collided.

Create Event

Creates the event

Delete Event

Deletes the event.


Closes the Particle Collision Event Editor.