
Inheritance diagram for KFbxBoundary:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

KFbxBoundaryDescribes a trimming boundary for a trimmed nurbs object.

Note that outer boundaries run counter-clockwise in UV space and inner boundaries run clockwise. An outer boundary represents the outer edges of the trimmed surface whereas the inner boundaries define "holes" in the surface.

Definition at line63of filekfbxtrimnurbssurface.h.

Public Member Functions

void AddCurve(KFbxNurbsCurve*pCurve)
 Add an edge to this boundary.
int GetCurveCount() const
KFbxNurbsCurveGetCurve(int pIndex)
 Access the edge at index pIndex.
KFbxNurbsCurveconst * GetCurve(int pIndex) const
 Access the edge at index pIndex.
virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType() const
 Return the type of node attribute.

Member Function Documentation

void AddCurve(KFbxNurbsCurvepCurve ) 

Add an edge to this boundary.

pCurve The curve to append to the end of this boundary

int GetCurveCount( ) const

The number of edges in this boundary

KFbxNurbsCurve* GetCurve(int pIndex ) 

Access the edge at index pIndex.

pIndex The index of the edge to return. No bounds checking is done
The edge at index pIndex if pIndex is in the range [0, GetEdgeCount() ), otherwise the return value is undefined

KFbxNurbsCurveconst* GetCurve(int pIndex ) const

Access the edge at index pIndex.

pIndex The index of the edge to return. No bounds checking is done
The edge at index pIndex if pIndex is in the range [0, GetEdgeCount() ), otherwise the return value is undefined

virtual EAttributeType GetAttributeType( ) const[inline, virtual]

Return the type of node attribute.

This class is pure virtual.

Reimplemented fromKFbxGeometry.

Definition at line97of filekfbxtrimnurbssurface.h.