Getting the transformation matrix for a node

To get the default translation, rotation, and scaling (default TRS properties) of a node, call the node’s GetDefaultT(), GetDefaultR(), and GetDefaultS() member functions. All three member functions return vectors of class KFbxVector4. The value of each vector is an offset from the corresponding default TRS property vector for the parent node.

The actual TRS properties for the node at a given point in time depend on:

You can get the node’s actual TRS properties in the scene’s global coordinate system expressed as a transformation matrix (often called the transform) by calling the node’s GetGlobalFromDefaultTake() member function.

See Also

Computing the transformation matrix

Here is how FBX SDK computes the transformation matrix for a node:

Transform = T * Roff * Rp * Rpre * R * Rpost * Rp-1 * Soff * Sp * S * Sp-1

Where: Is:
Transform Transformation matrix (4 X 4)
T Translation
Roff Rotation offset
Rp Rotation pivot
Rpre Pre-rotation
R Rotation
Rpost Post-rotation


Inverse of the rotation pivot
Soff Scaling offset
Sp Scaling pivot
S Scaling


Inverse of the scaling pivot
