Creating a file importer

To import a file into an FBX scene (i.e., to load the scene with the contents of a file), you must first create an importer object:

// Create an importer
KFbxImporter* lImporter = KFbxImporter::Create(mySdkManager, "");

FBX can import many different kinds of files: FBX files in a binary (or native) format, FBX files in an ASCII format, FBX files using earlier versions of the FBX file format, and some non-FBX file formats, such as Collada. Any file that is to be imported using FBX is called an import file.

    const char *ImportFileName;   // Full path\filename of the file to be imported

Use the Initialize() method to specify the path and name of the file to be imported.

    const bool lImportStatus = lImporter->Initialize(pFilename);
    if( !lImportStatus )
        ...// Problem with the file to be imported

The importer needs to know the file format of the import file. The filename extension is not enough information: for example, an .fbx extension can refer to a binary FBX file or an ASCII FBX file.

    int lFileFormat = -1;   // File format of the import file
    // Detect the file format of the file to be imported
    if (!pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->DetectFileFormat(
    { // ... Error handling code for “file not recognized”... }