Smooth curves and surfaces

CVs are distributed in a CV network. The position of every CV plays a role in determining the shape of the surface. The relative position of every CV with respect to its neighboring CVs is an important factor in determining the evenness of the CV distribution. An evenly distributed CV network results in better surface smoothness.

When CVs are distinctly out-of-place with respect to their neighboring CVs, surface imperfections can occur.

The Smooth tool improves the smoothness of surfaces and curves by minimizing extreme incremental differences of CV positions in the network while retaining the distribution pattern.

Smooth a curve or surface

  1. Choose Obect Edit > Smooth .
  2. Select the surface or curve to smooth. The Smooth button appears.
  3. To keep the edges of the surface fixed so the CVs do not move during the smoothing operation, turn on Fixed Edges. You cannot change this setting after the first smoothing has been applied.
  4. Click the Smooth button or press the spacebar to smooth the selected object.

    The change between the input and smoothed object displays and updates.