Background utilities

The following utilities are called by other programs, are used in the background, or are documented elsewhere.

Function Platforms Purpose
Alias.exe Windows Is the executable for the Alias interactive package
AliasWarn Windows a background utility to display error messages
appLaunch Windows Enables the user to select which Alias product to run. It is launched on start-up.
lmutil Windows component of the Licence Manager
lmgrd Windows component of the Licence Manager. See the description of lmutil
lmtools Windows component of the Licence Manager
sgiawd Windows component of the Licence Manager
toimg Windows works with imgcvt during conversion of image files

Using command line utilities on Windows

  1. Choose Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt from the Start menu.
  2. Click the cursor in the window.

    You can see what directory you are in by typing


    A list of the directory contents will be provided; at the top of the list is your current location.

  3. Navigate to the directory containing the files to be converted. If you have installed Alias in its default location, the path will be similar to
    C:\Documents and Settings\[UserID]\My Documents\Alias\user_data\[Project]

    where [UserID] is replaced by your login userid (and no square brackets) and [Project] is replaced by the name you have assigned to the project: the default project is demo (again, no square brackets). So to navigate to the directory, on a single line, type

    cd C:\Documents and Settings\[UserID]\My Documents\Alias\user_data\[Project]\wire
  4. To use a stand-alone utility to convert a file named “headlight.[fileextension]” to an Alias wirefile named “headlight.wire, choose the translator and type
    [translator] headlight.[fileextension] [flags] headlight.wire

    where [translator] is the name of the stand-alone utility being used, [fileextension] is the three-letter extension after the dot, and [flags] are the stand-alone utility’s options.