Common textures problems

This section covers texture problems.

File textures

Problem: File textures are very noisy and not anti-aliased well, or File textures appear to shift or shimmer over an animation.

First check that the texture’s Blurmult value is non-zero. Next, change the file texture’s Filter type. The default setting is BLEND. The best compromise between speed and quality is QUADRATIC.

Procedural textures

Problem: Procedural textures are very noisy and not anti-aliased well, or Procedural textures appear to shift or shimmer over an animation.

Do one of the following:

See Blur in Render > Multi-lister .

Procedural texture differences

Problem: Procedural textures aren’t quite the same on different platforms.

Procedural textures, or anything that uses a random number generator, will have minor differences from one platform to the next. For this reason, we recommend that if you are rendering a sequence of images, render the entire sequence on one platform.

Depth of Field

Problem: An in-focus object next to a blurry foreground/background (Depth of Field ON) shows a jaggy artifact.

Render the blurry foreground/background separately, and composite.

Textures are distorted

Problem: Textures are distorted (stretched or squashed)

See Chord Length in Render > Multi-lister .

The surface may have uneven parameterization. Set Chord Length ON under the texture’s Surface Placement parameters.