Shade surfaces with color

Switch the picked surfaces between wireframe and shaded modes in the Modeling control panel.

Shade the picked surfaces with color

Click the icon in the Shading panel.

Shade the picked surfaces with random colors

Click the icon in the Shading panel. This allows you to see the layout of adjacent surfaces more clearly.

Unshade the picked surfaces

Click the icon in the Shading panel.

Adjust the options of a shading mode

Click the small triangle at the bottom of the Shading panel.

TipWhen surfaces are partially transparent you can pick geometry "through" them. Open the options section of the Diagnostic Shading panel and turn up the Transparency setting.

Set the shaded color

  1. Pick the surface or surfaces.
  2. Click the small triangle at the bottom of the Shading panel to show the options.
  3. Click the color swatch to show the color editor.