Simplify the display of objects

Show less detail on objects to speed up the display.

You can increase or decrease the number of isoparametric curves drawn on a surface, the precision with which curves are drawn in the view windows, and the precision with which surfaces are drawn in Simple display mode.

These changes can dramatically speed up the display on slow machines or for scenes with massive amounts of complex geometry.

None of these tools affect the actual geometry of objects. They simply change how the objects are displayed on screen.

Set the number of descriptive isoparametric curves drawn inside each patch of surfaces

  1. Pick the surfaces you want to change.
  2. Choose Object Edit > Patch Precision .
  3. Drag the mouse left or right to change the number of descriptive isoparametric curves, or type a number from 2 to 64.

Set the drawing precision of objects

To set the drawing smoothness of all curves, surfaces, and shells in Alias:

  1. Choose ObjectDisplay > Draw Precision .
  2. In the option box, adjust the slider , or type a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

    0.0 is a rough approximation, while 1.0 is very smooth.