
Interface to Alias render options.


#include <AlRender.h> class AlResolutionItem : public AlLinkItem
AlResolutionItem*	nextItem() AlResolutionItem*	prevItem() char*	name; int	x, y; double	aspect;
class AlRender
//	general settings static Source	render(); static statusCode	setRender( Source ); static boolean	animation(); static statusCode	setAnimation( boolean ); static AnimationRange	animationRange(); static statusCode	setAnimationRange( AnimationRange ); static statusCode	animationRange(double&start, double&end, double&by ); static statusCode	setAnimationRange(double start, double end, double by); static Scope	hiddenLineParms(); static statusCode	setHiddenLineParams( Scope ); static Scope	qualityScope( Quality ); static statusCode	setQualityScope( Quality, Scope ); static Quality	qualityType( Quality ); static statusCode	setQualityType( Quality, Scope ); //	Global Quality Parameters: Subdivision & AntiAlias for low,med,high
class Subdivision { static Type	type( Quality ); static statusCode	setType( Quality, Type ); static int	uniformU( Quality ); static statusCode	setUniformU( Quality, int );			    // 1..256 static int	uniformV( Quality ); static statusCode	setUniformV( Quality, int );			    // 1..256 static int	adaptiveMin( Quality ); static statusCode	setAdaptiveMin( Quality, int );		    // 1..128 static int	adaptiveMax( Quality ); static statusCode	setAdaptiveMax( Quality, int );		    // 1..128 static double	adaptiveThreshold( Quality ); static statusCode	setAdaptiveThreshold( Quality, double ); // 0..1 };
 class AntiAlias
static int	min( Quality ); static statusCode	setMin( Quality, int ); // 0..6 static int	max( Quality ); static statusCode	setMax( Quality, int );			    // 0..6 static double	threshold( Quality ); static statusCode	setThreshold( Quality, double );		 };
 class Limits
 { static boolean	createPreview( Quality ); static statusCode	setCreatePreview( Quality, boolean ); static int	maxReflections( Quality ); static statusCode	setMaxReflections(  Quality,int );	    // 0..10 static int	maxRefractions( Quality ); static statusCode	setMaxRefractions( Quality,int );	    // 0..10 static int	maxShadowLevels( Quality ); static statusCode	setMaxShadowLevels(  Quality,int );	    // 0..10 static int	subdivideRecurse( void ); static statusCode	setSubdivideRecurse( int );	    // 1..3 };
 class Composite
 { static boolean	enabled(); static statusCode	setEnabled( boolean ); static double	coverageThreshold(); static statusCode	setCoverageThreshold( double );	    // 0..1 };
 class Blur
 { static boolean	postFilter(); static statusCode	setPostFilter( boolean ); static int	postCenter(); static statusCode	setPostCenter( int );		    // 0..20 static int	postAdjacent(); static statusCode	setPostAdjacent( int );		    // 0..20 static int	postDiagonal(); static statusCode	setPostDiagonal( int );		    // 0..20 static boolean	motionBlur(); static statusCode	setMotionBlur( boolean ); static double	shutterAngle(); static statusCode	setShutterAngle( double );		    // 1..360 };
 class Misc
 { static GeometrySource	geometrySource(); static statusCode	setGeometrySource( GeometrySource ); static boolean	textures(); static statusCode	setTextures( boolean ); static boolean	skeletons(); static statusCode	setSkeletons( boolean ); static boolean	noTransparencyInDepth(); static statusCode	setNoTransparencyInDepth( boolean ); static double	transparency(); static statusCode	setTransparency( double );		    // 0..1 static boolean	keepNonglowedImage(); static statusCode	setKeepNonglowedImage( boolean ); static boolean	spotLightDepthMaps(); static statusCode	setSpotLightDepthMaps( boolean ); static boolean	depthMapsInMemory(); static statusCode	setDepthMapsInMemory( boolean ); static boolean	attenuateTransparency(); static statusCode	setAttenuateTransparency( boolean ); };
 class Image
 { static Format	format(); static statusCode	setFormat( Format ); static DepthFormat	depthFormat(); static statusCode	setDepthFormat( DepthFormat ); static Fields	fields(); static statusCode	setFields( Fields ); static boolean	oddFirst(); static statusCode	setOddFirst( boolean ); static boolean	ignoreFilmGate(); static statusCode	setIgnoreFilmGate( boolean ); static double	gammaCorrection(); static statusCode	source( const char *, boolean &, boolean &, boolean & ); static statusCode	setSource( const char *, boolean, boolean, boolean ); static statusCode	setGammaCorrection( double );	    // 0..2 static boolean	XYRatioLock(); static statusCode	setXYRatioLock( boolean ); static int	resolutionX(); static statusCode	setResolutionX( int );		    // 0..2048 static int	resolutionY(); static statusCode	setResolutionY( int );		    // 0..2048 static double	aspectRatio(); static statusCode	setAspectRatio( double );		    // 0..1 static statusCode	readResolutions( AlList* &list ); };
 class HiddenLine
 { static boolean	useFillColor(); static statusCode	setUseFillColor( boolean ); static statusCode	fillColor( double &, double &, double &); static statusCode	setFillColor( double, double, double );	    // 0..255 static statusCode	lineColor( double &, double &, double &); static statusCode	setLineColor( double, double, double );	    // 0..255 static int	patchLinesU(); static statusCode	setPatchLinesU( int );		    // 0..8 static int	patchLinesV(); static statusCode	setPatchLinesV( int );		    // 0..8 };
 class Particle
 { static boolean	show(); static statusCode	setShow( boolean ); static int	simulationSubsteps(); static statusCode	setSimulationSubsteps( int );	    // 1..8 static int	framesPerSecond(); static statusCode	setFramesPerSecond( int );		    // 1..30 };


This class encapsulates all access to the Alias render options. Every value in the window can be retrieved and set. Please see the Menu Book for additional information on these parameters and their functions.

AlRender::Source AlRender::render()


Returns the source that is currently being rendered.

statusCode AlRender::setRender( AlRender::Source source )


Sets the source to kAll or kActive. Note: this setting is overridden by the store_active flag in the AlUniverse::writeSDL() method.


< source - new value, kAll or kActive

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

boolean AlRender::animation()


Returns TRUE if animation is currently being rendered.

statusCode AlRender::setAnimation( boolean on )


Sets if animation should be rendered.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

AlRender::AnimationRange AlRender::animationRange()


Returns the animation type range that is being used.

statusCode AlRender::setAnimationRange( AlRender::AnimationRange range )


Sets the type of animation range to kGlobalRange, kMinMax or kTimeSlider.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

statusCode AlRender::animationRange( double& start, double& end, double& by)


Retrieves the animation range endpoints and step size. This is only valid for min/max and global.


start - start of the range

end - end of the range

by - step size

Return Codes

sSuccess - operation succeeded

sFailure - operation failed

sInvalidObject - the current animationRange is not MinMax or Global

statusCode AlRender::setAnimationRange( double start, double end, double by)


Sets the animation range. This is only valid for kGlobalRange.


start - start of the range (must be >=0)

end - end of the range (must be >= start)

by - step size (must be >0 )

Return Codes

sSuccess - operation succeeded

sFailure - operation failed

sInvalidObject - the current animationRange is not Global

sInvalidArgument - by was negative, start was negative or end < start

AlRender::Scope AlRender::hiddenLineParms()


Returns the current hidden line parameter setting.

statusCode AlRender::setHiddenLineParams( AlRender::Scope scope )


Sets the hidden line parameter option in the rendering. Scope is either kPerObject or kGlobal.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

AlRender::Scope AlRender::qualityScope( AlRender::Quality )


Returns the current rendering quality scope.

statusCode AlRender::setQualityScope( AlRender::Quality, AlRender::Scope scope )


Sets the rendering quality scope. Scope is either kPerObject or kGlobal.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

AlRender::Quality AlRender::qualityType()


Returns the rendering quality type.

statusCode AlRender::setQualityType( AlRender::Quality q )SDescription

Sets the rendering quality type. Quality is one of kLow, kMedium or kHigh.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

AlRender::Subdivision::Type AlRender::Subdivision::type( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the rendering subdivision type of the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Subdivision::setType( AlRender::Quality q, AlRender::Subdivision::Type t )


Sets the rendering subdivision type. The type is either kAdaptive or kUniform and is applied to the quality parameter selected.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

int AlRender::Subdivision::uniformU( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the uniform U value for quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Subdivision::setUniformU( AlRender::Quality q, int num )


Sets the uniform U value for the quality parameter. The uniform U value is used to subdivide patches into triangles without taking the curvature into account.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..256

int AlRender::Subdivision::uniformV( AlRender::Quality q)


Returns the uniform V value for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Subdivision::setUniformV( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the uniform V value for the quality parameter. The uniform Vvalue is used to subdivide patches into triangles without taking the curvature into account.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..256

int AlRender::Subdivision::adaptiveMin( AlRender::Quality q)


Returns the adaptive minimum for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Subdivision::setAdaptiveMin( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the adaptive minimum of the subdivision for the quality parameter. This value determines the minimum number of subdivisions between CVs in both U and V.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..128

int AlRender::Subdivision::adaptiveMax( AlRender::Quality q)


Returns the adaptive maximum of the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Subdivision::setAdaptiveMax( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the adaptive maximum of the subdivision for the quality parameter. This value determines the maximum number of subdivisions between CVs in both U and V.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..128

double AlRender::Subdivision::adaptiveThreshold( AlRender::Quality q)


Returns the adaptive threshold of the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Subdivision::setAdaptiveThreshold( AlRender::Quality q, double num )


Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..1

int AlRender::AntiAlias::min( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the anti-alias minimum for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::AntiAlias::setMin( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the anti-alias minimum for the quality parameter. The anti-alias minimum determines the minimum number of subdivisions per pixel.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..6

int AlRender::AntiAlias::max( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the anti-alias maximum for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::AntiAlias::setMax( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the adaptive maximum for the quality parameter. The adaptive maximum determines the maximum number of subdivisions per pixel.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..6

double AlRender::AntiAlias::threshold( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the anti-alias threshold for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::AntiAlias::setThreshold( AlRender::Quality q, double num )


Sets the anti-alias threshold for the quality parameter. If the samples of colors at each corner of a pixel is over threshold then subdivision is used to do a finer grain of anti-aliasing.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..1

boolean AlRender::Limits::createPreview( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns if the preview option is selected for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Limits::setCreatePreview( AlRender::Quality q, boolean on )


Sets the preview option for the quality parameter. If preview is turned on, a postage stamp sized raytraced image is calculated.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

int AlRender::Limits::maxReflections( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the maximum number of reflections allowed for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Limits::setMaxReflections( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the maximum number of reflections for the quality parameter. This controls the number of levels that reflected rays will be raytraced.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..10

int AlRender::Limits::maxRefractions( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the maximum number of refractions allowed for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Limits::setMaxRefractions( AlRender::Quality q, int num)


Sets the maximum number of refractions allowed for the quality parameter. This controls the number of levels of refracted rays that will be raytraced.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..10

int AlRender::Limits::maxShadowLevels( AlRender::Quality q )


Returns the maximum number of shadow levels allowed for the quality parameter.

statusCode AlRender::Limits::setMaxShadowLevels( AlRender::Quality q, int num )


Sets the maximum number of shadow levels allowed for the quality parameter. This controls the number of levels of shadows rays that will be raytraced.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range -1..10

int AlRender::Limits::subdivideRecurse( void )


Returns the current subdivide recurse setting.

statusCode AlRender::Limits::setSubdivideRecurse( int num )


Sets the subdivide recurse setting to num. This setting provides a limit on the number of times that spatial subdivision is recursively applied to the scene.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..3

boolean AlRender::Composite::enabled()


Returns if composite rendering is enabled.

statusCode AlRender::Composite::setEnabled( boolean on )


Sets composite rendering to on or off. If this option is on, then objects that are rendered are not anti-aliased against the background.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

double AlRender::Composite::coverageThreshold()


Returns the composite rendering coverage threshold.

statusCode AlRender::Composite::setCoverageThreshold( double cover )


Sets the composite rendering coverage threshold to cover. This setting determines the number of subsamples required for a pixel as a whole to be considered a part of an object and not a part of the background.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..1

boolean AlRender::Blur::postFilter()


Returns if motion blur post filter option is set.

statusCode AlRender::Blur::setPostFilter( boolean on )


Sets the motion blur post filter option to on or off. Setting this option to on provides additional anti-aliasing after the regular rendering process.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

int AlRender::Blur::postCenter()


Returns the blur center pixel weight.

statusCode AlRender::Blur::setPostCenter( int center )


Sets the blurring center pixel weight.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..20

int AlRender::Blur::postAdjacent()


Returns the blur edge pixel weights.

statusCode AlRender::Blur::setPostAdjacent( int adj )


Sets the blur edge pixel weights.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..20

int AlRender::Blur::postDiagonal()


Returns the blur corner pixel weights.

statusCode AlRender::Blur::setPostDiagonal( int diag )


Sets the blur corner pixel weights.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..20

boolean AlRender::Blur::motionBlur()


Returns TRUE if motion blur is on.

statusCode AlRender::Blur::setMotionBlur( boolean on )


Sets the motion blur to be on or off. Turning this option on produces smoother animations.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

double AlRender::Blur::shutterAngle()


Returns the current shutter angle.

statusCode AlRender::Blur::setShutterAngle( double shutter )


Sets the current shutter angle if blur is on. The larger the shutter value the greater the blur.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..360

AlRender::Misc::GeometrySource AlRender::Misc::geometrySource()


Returns the current geometry source.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setGeometrySource( AlRender::Misc::GeometrySource source )


Sets the current geometry source to either kModeler or kSDLFile.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

boolean AlRender::Misc::textures()


Returns TRUE if textures will be used in the rendering.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setTextures( boolean on )


Sets if textures will be used in the rendering.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

boolean AlRender::Misc::skeletons()


Returns TRUE if skeletons are being displayed in the rendering.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setSkeletons( boolean on )


Sets if skeletons are being used in the rendering.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

boolean AlRender::Misc::noTransparencyInDepth()


Returns TRUE if the "no transparency in depth" option is on.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setNoTransparencyInDepth( boolean on )


Sets the "no transparency in depth map" option. If this option is set, transparent objects appear in the depth map file.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

double AlRender::Misc::transparency()


Returns the transparency percentage.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setTransparency( double trans )


Sets the transparency percentage. Objects with a transparency greater than or equal to the ’trans’ value will not appear in the depth file.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..1

boolean AlRender::Misc::keepNonglowedImage()


Returns TRUE if the renderer will not keep the post processed non glowed image.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setKeepNonglowedImage( boolean on )


Sets the renderer to keep the non glowed image in the rendering post process if parameter on is TRUE.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

boolean AlRender::Misc::spotLightDepthMaps()


Returns TRUE if shadow depth maps are being written to disk.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setSpotLightDepthMaps( boolean on )


Sets if shadow depth maps should be written to disk based.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

boolean AlRender::Misc::depthMapsInMemory()


Returns TRUE if depth maps are kept in memory.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setDepthMapsInMemory( boolean on )


Sets if depth maps are to be kept in memory. If set to TRUE, then the depth map is not recomputed for subsequent frames.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

boolean AlRender::Misc::attenuateTransparency()


Returns FALSE if attenuate transparency is on.

statusCode AlRender::Misc::setAttenuateTransparency( boolean on )


Sets attenuate transparency to off to make totally transparent objects appear opaque.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

AlRender::Image::Format AlRender::Image::format()


Returns the image format.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setFormat( AlRender::Image::Format imageFormat )


Sets the image format to one of kAlias, kSGI, kTIFF, kTIFF16, kRLA, kFIDO or kHARRY.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

AlRender::Image::DepthFormat AlRender::Image::depthFormat()


Returns the depth format.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setDepthFormat( AlRender::Image::DepthFormat depth )


Sets the image depth format to either kDepthAlias or kDepthComposer.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

AlRender::Image::Fields AlRender::Image::fields()


Returns the images fields.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setFields( AlRender::Image::Fields setFields )


Sets the image fields to one of kOff, kEven, kOdd or kBoth.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

sInvalidArgument - value was not a valid enum member

boolean AlRender::Image::oddFirst()


Returns TRUE if odd first ordering was chosen for field ordering.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setOddFirst( boolean oddFirst )


Sets fields to be ordered by odd first if the parameter oddFirst is TRUE. If oddFirst if FALSE then field ordering will be even first.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

boolean AlRender::Image::ignoreFilmGate()


Returns TRUE if the rendered image will ignore film gates.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setIgnoreFilmGate( boolean ignoreGate )


Sets ignoreGate to TRUE if the region outside of the filmback should not be rendered.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

double AlRender::Image::gammaCorrection()


Returns the current gamma correction value.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setGammaCorrection( double gamma )


Sets the gamma correction value. Gamma correction is used to alter images by specified factors in each channel to correct the rendered color.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..2

statusCode AlRender::Image::source( const char *camName, boolean &image, boolean &mask, boolean &depth )


Returns the Image File Output toggles in the camera named camName.


< camName - name of the camera

> image - Image toggle

> mask - Mask toggle

> depth - Depth toggle

Return Codes

sSuccess - the values were retrieved

sInvalidArgument - camName was NULL

sFailure - camera of the given name was not found

statusCode AlRender::Image::setSource( const char *camName, boolean image, boolean mask, boolean depth )


Sets the Image File Output toggles in the camera named camName.


< camName - name of the camera

< image - Image toggle

< mask - Mask toggle

< depth - Depth toggle

Return Codes

sSuccess - the values were set

sInvalidArgument - camName was NULL

sFailure - camera of the given name was not found

boolean AlRender::Image::XYRatioLock()


Returns TRUE if XY ratio lock is on.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setXYRatioLock( boolean ratioLock )


Sets the lock on the X/Y pixel ratio. If the lock is on, then doubling the X resolution will also double the Y resolution. If the lock is off, X and Y resolutions are independent.


< ratioLock - new value of the lock

int AlRender::Image::resolutionX()


Returns the X resolution of the image.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setResolutionX( int xres )


Sets the X resolution of the image.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..32767

int AlRender::Image::resolutionY()


Returns the Y resolution of the image.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setResolutionY( int yres )


Sets the Y resolution of the image.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..32767

double AlRender::Image::aspectRatio()


Returns the aspect ratio of the image.

statusCode AlRender::Image::setAspectRatio( double aspect )


Sets the aspect ratio of the image.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..1

boolean AlRender::HiddenLine::useFillColor()


Returns TRUE if all surfaces in the scene are to be filled with the fill color specified by the setFillColor() method.

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::setUseFillColor( boolean useFill )


Sets the usage of fill colors for surfaces within a scene.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::fillColor( double& r, double &g, double &b)


Returns the current fill colors.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the method succeeded

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::setFillColor( double r, double g, double b )


Sets the fill color to r,g,b.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..255

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::lineColor( double& r, double& g, double& b)


Returns the line color.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the line color was returned

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::setLineColor( double r, double g, double b )


Sets the color of lines for all surfaces within a scene to r,g,b.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..255

int AlRender::HiddenLine::patchLinesU()


Returns the U patch lines for a surface.

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::setPatchLinesU( int lines )


Sets the number of U patch lines for a surface in a scene. This controls the number of lines that are shown in the U direction of each surface in a scene. Setting this to 0 will cause only edges of a surface to be displayed.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..8

int AlRender::HiddenLine::patchLinesV()


Returns the V patch lines for a surface.

statusCode AlRender::HiddenLine::setPatchLinesV( int lines )


Sets the number of V patch lines for a surface in a scene. This controls the number of lines that are shown in the V direction of each surface in a scene. Setting this to 0 will cause only edges of a surface to be displayed.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 0..8

boolean AlRender::Particle::show()


Returns TRUE if particles will be shown in the scene.

statusCode AlRender::Particle::setShow( boolean on )


Sets if particles should be rendered in the scene.

Return Codes

sSuccess - value was set

int AlRender::Particle::simulationSubsteps()


Returns the particle simulation substeps.

statusCode AlRender::Particle::setSimulationSubsteps( int substeps )


Sets the particle simulation substeps. A higher number produces a more accurate animation but also increases rendering time.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..8

int AlRender::Particle::framesPerSecond()


Returns the particle frames for second setting.

statusCode AlRender::Particle::setFramesPerSecond( int frames )


Sets the particle frames per second value. This value is used to specify how fast images will be displayed from the final animation. This value is also used to calculate the correct amount of force and gravity to apply to particles during the simulation.

Return Codes

sSuccess - the value was set

sInvalidArgument - the value was not in the range 1..30

statusCode AlRender::Image::readResolutions( AlList* &resolutions )


Returns a list of resolutions as name,x,y,aspect. These are the entries that are found in the ’predefined’ area of the render globals area.


> resolutions - list of resolutions

Return Codes

sSuccess - a list of resolutions was returned

sFailure - the list could not be allocated


A structure used to transfer render information.


#include <AlRenderInfo.h>


An AlRenderInfo structure is used to store render information for an object. Before setting the AlRenderInfo for an object, it is necessary to retrieve the current values from the object.

For example:

// No error checking is done here for brevity in the example. AlRenderInfo	renderInfo; newSurface->renderInfo( renderInfo ); renderInfo.castsShadow = FALSE; newSurface->setRenderInfo( renderInfo );

See Render->globals in the Menu Book for a more detailed description of these fields.


Sets whether both sides of an object (inside and outside) or only the outside is to be rendered. For example, a closed object, such as a sphere doesn’t have to be double sided; only one side of the object is going to be seen when it is rendered. The default is TRUE.


Determines which side of a surface will be used for the render; the side that the normals point out of, or the opposite side. The default is FALSE, meaning the side the normals point out of will be used.


Indicates whether or not the object will cast shadows in the RayCaster and RayTracer. The default is TRUE.


Indicates whether adaptive or uniform subdivisions will be used. The default is TRUE, meaning adaptive subdivisions.


Indicates the minimum level of adaptive subdivision on the object. The level must be a power of 2 between 0 and 7; any other values will cause the next higher power of 2 to be used. The default it 2.


Indicates the maximum level of adaptive subdivision on the object. The level must be a power of 2 between 0 and 7; any other values will cause the next higher power of 2 to be used. The default it 4.


Controls the threshold for subdivision of the surface. Values must be between 0 and 1, with 0.96 being the default.


When "adaptive" is FALSE, this indicates the number of subdivisions in the U direction. Values must be between 1 and 256, with 4 being the default.


When "adaptive" is FALSE, this indicates the number of subdivisions in the V direction. Values must be between 1 and 256, with 4 being the default.


Indicates whether smooth or flat shading should be used. The default is TRUE, meaning that smooth shading will be used.


Indicates whether the object should be motion blurred. The default is TRUE.


Indicates the object is a reflection only object.



Parameters for motion blur.