Example of a License File for a Redundant Server

Here is an example of a completed license file for a redundant license server model:

SERVER CCN12378042 001cc4874b03 27005
SERVER XXHP0528 0019bbd68993 27005
SERVER CCN12378043 001cc4874b10 27005
VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 57600ACD_2009_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 5 \
   VENDOR_STRING=commercial:permanent BORROW=4320 SUPERSEDE \
   DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=10-Jan-2008 SN=123-12345678 SIGN="11C4 \
   CA79 07FC 7AD0 409A 6E04 6E98 D76C 197C 0416 076C B211 1CDD \
   D0AB 698B 16BF 7A0E D4F8 1CFE 2985 644F 64CD CECE 0DDB 5951 \
   3262 7C31 13A8 F08F 55B2" SIGN2="19A6 FDA3 2ED5 5301 8675 7B81 \
   1B0E 451B 19F1 1A99 C8E9 CBA6 8CB3 6AC3 8B38 1519 13F2 2373 \
   82AE 55E5 1A25 4952 4458 F3A2 6F28 D25D 1DC0 E066 209B 0953"
NoteThe redundant server model requires the addition of a port number (the default is 27005) for each server.