Create an Options file

You should be logged in with Administrator rights when working with the LMTOOLS utility.

To create an options file

  1. Open a text editor, enter the parameters you want, and then save the document as a file named adskflex.opt to the same location where you saved the license file.
    NoteMake sure you save the file with the extension .opt. The default extension .txt is not recognized by the Network License Manager.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • (Windows XP) Click Start Programs Autodesk Network License Manager LMTOOLS.
    • (Windows Vista) Double-click the LMTOOLS icon on the desktop.
    • (Mac OS X) Launch a Terminal window, navigate to the Autodesk Network License Manager folder, and enter the following:
      ./lmutil lmreread -c @hostname-all

      Close the Terminal window.

  3. (Windows) In the program, on the Start/Stop/Reread tab, click Reread License File.
  4. (Windows) Close lmtools.exe.