Return a License

Your network license is automatically returned to the network license server on the day that the license expires. You can also return a license earlier than the date you originally selected, as long as your computer is connected to the network license server when you attempt to return the borrowed license.

Once a borrowed license is returned, you can borrow a license again as long as your computer is connected to the network license server and a license is available on the server.

To return a borrowed license early, do one of the following:

NoteTo use the status tray to return a borrowed license early, the display settings for the status tray must be turned on. To turn on the display settings, right-click an empty area on the status bar. Click Tray Settings.

Your license is returned to the network license server. After you return the borrowed license, you can borrow a license again immediately as long as a license for that product is available on the network.

To check the license return date, do one of the following: