Utilities > Plug-in Manager

Allows you to load and unload plug-ins that add functionality to Alias.

Documentation for specific plug-ins is provided as text files, located in ODS/OpenAlias/plugins/ under the specific category of plug-ins (DataTransfer, Gifts, Miscellaneous, Modeling, Paint, or Rendering) in the help subdirectory. By organizing the plug-ins into separate subdirectories, the plug-ins are similarly organized in the Plug-in manager.

To add a new search area

  1. Select Preferences > General Preferences .
  2. In the Preferences window, open the General section.
  3. In the Search path field, type the directory path to the plug-ins:


  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Preferences window.
  5. To open the Plug-in Manager window, select Utilities > Plug-in Manager .



Specifies whether the Plug-In manager displays brief (short) or verbose (long) information messages.

Search path

There is a default library for plug-in utilities. However, you can specify a different directory for the Plug-in Manager to search in.

See Also