Mesh > Mesh Tessellation > Displacement Map to Mesh

Converts a displacement map on a NURBS surface into mesh geometry.

A displacement map, when placed on a surface and rendered, gives the object the appearance of highly-modeled geometry, as the surface modulates based on the gray values of the displacement map.

By converting the displacement map to mesh geometry, you create real geometry that can be modified, rendered, or used in prototyping.

Displacement Map To Mesh Options

Use values from Render Globals

If this option is checked, the tessellation values set in Render > Globals are used. If it is not checked (default), you can enter your own values for the Mesh Tolerance and Displacement Detail.

NoteThe V9 tessellator option in Render > Globals is not supported in the Displacement Map to mesh tool.
Mesh Tolerance (cm)

The maximum allowable distance (measured in centimeters) between a NURBS surface and its tessellated version, before the displacement map is applied. The Mesh Tolerance value controls how smoothly surfaces are tessellated for rendering.

A smoother tessellated surface results in a smoother final mesh. However, rendering time could increase.

The slider range is 0.001 cm to 0.10 cm. The default value is 0.05 cm for medium quality.

Displacement Detail

Controls how finely surface areas with displacement maps are tessellated. The higher the Displacement Detail value, the finer the appearance of surface displacements. However, rendering times could also increase. The slider range is 10 - 512. The default value is 40.

See Also