Shape Creation and Editing Tools

At the right of the shape and tools pane are the shape creation and editing tools, as well as Bézier creation controls and pen pressure controls. The creation tools form the first row of the shape creation and editing tools, and the editing tools form the second.

Use: To:
Freehand Create a freehand line strip shape.
Bézier Create a Bézier shape point by point.
Rectangle Create a rectangular (or square) Bézier shape.
Ellipse Create an elliptical (circular) Bézier shape.
Line Create a line Bézier shape.
Transform Edit a shape's transform.
Edit Edit points in a Bézier shape.
Clone/Reveal Transform Edit the clone/reveal transform of a shape.
NoteNotice that the Rectangle, Ellipse, Line and Bézier shape tools all create Bézier shapes.

Immediately below the shape creation and editing tools are the Erase controls. Contrary to many other drawing packages, Vector Paint does not have dedicated erasing tools. Instead, you choose the erase mode you want (erase to background, to transparent, or to background color),and use the standard creation tools to create new shapes that erase. These shapes can be edited, tracked, and changed just as other shapes.

Make Bézier Controls

Use: To:
Auto Automatically convert new freehand shape.
Tolerance Set the pixel tolerance when converting freehand shapes to Bézier.

Pen Pressure Controls

Use: To:
Size Have pen pressure control brush size.
Opacity Have pen pressure control opacity.