Advanced Lighting Panel
Command entry:Main toolbar (Render Setup) Render Setup dialog Assign Renderer rollout Set Production to Default Scanline Renderer. Advanced Lighting panel Select Advanced Lighting rollout
Command entry:Rendering menu Render Setup Render Setup dialog Assign Renderer rollout Set Production to Default Scanline Renderer. Advanced Lighting panel Select Advanced Lighting rollout

The Advanced Lighting rollout lets you select one of the advanced lighting options that accompany the default scanline renderer: either the Light Tracer or Radiosity.

The Light Tracer provides soft-edged shadows and color bleeding for brightly-lit scenes such as outdoor scenes. Radiosity provides physically accurate modeling of the light in a scene.


Until you choose an advanced lighting option, the Advanced Lighting panel displays a single rollout, Select Advanced Lighting.

List of plug-ins

Choose an advanced lighting option from this drop-down list. Default=No advanced lighting chosen.


When an advanced lighting option is chosen, use Active to toggle whether the advanced lighting is used when you render your scene. Default=On.

  • Light Tracer

    The Light Tracer provides soft-edged shadows and color bleeding for brightly-lit scenes such as outdoor scenes. It is typically used in conjunction with a Skylight. Unlike radiosity, the Light Tracer does not attempt to create a physically accurate model, and can be easier to set up.

  • Modeling Global Illumination with Radiosity

    Radiosity is rendering technology that realistically simulates the way in which light interacts in an environment.