CIN (Kodak Cineon) Files

A file format that stores a single frame of a motion picture or video data stream. Each frame is saved as cineon version 4.5 with a CIN file-name extension. The file contains no user-defined data such as a thumbnail, and supports 10-bit log, and three colors per pixel. Alpha channels are not supported.


When CIN is chosen as the output format, clicking Render or Setup on the Render Output File dialog displays the Cineon Image File Format dialog.

Printing Density Adjustment

Represents the transfer function from printing density (10-bit log) to 16-bit linear with the white point mapped to a maximum code value of 65535.

Conversion of logarithmic printing density to a linear representation requires both a scaling and an anti-log operation. With 16-bits linear, it is possible to maintain the full printing density range. The 90% white card at code value 685 is mapped to maximum code value of 65535.

The White Pt and Black Pt spinners let you adjust the 90% white code and the 2% black code.