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The Animation Workbench is a customized version of the Track View function curve editor designed to be used with bipeds. It contains a Curve View that displays keys on function curves which you can edit similar to the way you work in Track View. It also contains a set of four panels for selecting bipeds, analyzing their motion tracks for error conditions, and fixing those tracks individually or in groups.

The Workbench can be used to assign SubAnim controllers to multiple biped body parts at once through the display of the Controllers window.

Workbench filters can be used to smooth, blur or boost position and rotation curves, and can also be used to apply controllers or remove keys.

The Workbench uses many of the same toolbars found in Track View for key manipulation and track navigation. It uses manual navigation as the default behavior. When multiple biped body parts are selected it does not display all curves as a default, so you can perform error analysis and correction on many tracks without displaying all the curves simultaneously.