


Returns the index of the minimum (signed) component of this vector. Note that this is not the absolute minimum, but the signed minimum, so that a vector of x=10.0, y=-5.0, z=1.0 will return 1, not 2.

C# Syntax

Int16 SIVector3.MinComponentIndex();

Scripting Syntax

oInteger = SIVector3.MinComponentIndex();

Return Value

Integer (index of the minimum signed component of this vector).


VBScript Example

' Create 3D vectors.
set v1 = XSIMath.CreateVector3( 10.0, -5.0, 1.0 )
minIdx = v1.MinComponentIndex
Application.LogMessage minIdx 
' Expected result
'INFO : 1

See Also

SIVector3.MinComponent SIVector3.MaxComponent SIVector3.MaxComponentIndex SIVector3 SIMatrix3 SIMatrix4 SIRotation SITransformation SIQuaternion