




Returns a collection of Parameter objects containing all parameters tagged by the specified tag. This function can return local as well as nested parameters.

The tagging system helps you set a collection of parameters. Tags are persisted with a scene, so you never lose them. You can use this method to get a set of parameters in order to pass it to a command.

Note: Because this method returns all tagged parameters for the object and its children, use this method carefully on models (such as the scene root).

C# Syntax

ParameterCollection ProjectItem.TaggedParameters( siTags, Boolean );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = ProjectItem.TaggedParameters( [Tag], [Local] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
Tag siTags The tags to look for. This can be a combination of tags. When a parameter supports at least one of the tags specified in an argument, it is added to the return list.

Default Value: siTagAll

Local Boolean Specifies whether the tag to check is local to the object or not. If true then all tagged parameters that come from propagated properties or from intermediate nodes are ignored (referenced parameters). Intermediate nodes are nested under the object but are not necessary owned by the object itself. For instance, the camera object nested under a Texture_Projection_Def property is not considered unless the target object is the projection property itself. When the argument is set to false (default), all parameters are considered.

Default Value: False


JScript Example

CreatePrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" );
var oGeom = GetValue( "Cone.polymsh.geom" );
var oParam1 = oGeom.Parameters("subdivu");
var oParam2 = oGeom.Parameters("subdivv");
var oObj = GetValue( "Cone" );
// Set the Tags
oParam1.Tags = siTag2 + siTag6;
oParam2.Tags = siTag6;
// Get the parameters with siTag2 (subdivu)
Application.LogMessage( "tag2 parameters with local flag on:" )
var oList = oObj.TaggedParameters( siTag2, true );
// Nothing will be displayed because we checked only the cone object
for ( i=0; i<oList.Count; i++ )
        Application.LogMessage( oList.Item(i) );
// Get the parameters with siTag2 (subdivu)
Application.LogMessage( "tag2 parameters with local flag off:" )
var oList = oObj.TaggedParameters( siTag2, false );
for ( i=0; i<oList.Count; i++ )
        Application.LogMessage( oList.Item(i) );
// Now get the parameters with siTag6 (subdivu and subdivv)
Application.LogMessage( "tag6 parameters with local flag off:" )
var oList = oGeom.TaggedParameters( siTag6, false );
for ( i=0; i<oList.Count; i++ )
        Application.LogMessage( oList.Item(i) );
// Remove all tags
oParam1.Tags = siTagNone
oParam2.Tags = siTagNone

See Also

Parameter.Tags Tag Untag