


Adds a new custom parameter to the custom property. This version is a simplified version of CustomProperty.AddParameter2.

The most commonly-used siCapabilities flags, siAnimatable and siReadOnly, are exposed directly as optional arguments.

Most parameters can be specified with this method. However you should consider using CustomProperty.AddParameter or CustomProperty.AddParameter2 if the parameter needs a UI range, specific classification flags, or a user name.

C# Syntax

Parameter CustomProperty.AddParameter3( String in_ScriptName, siVariantType in_ValueType, Object in_DefaultValue, Object in_Min, Object in_Max, Boolean in_bAnimatable, Boolean in_bReadOnly );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CustomProperty.AddParameter3( ScriptName, ValueType, [DefaultValue], [Min], [Max], [Animatable], [ReadOnly] );

Return Value

The newly created Parameter object.


Parameter Type Description
ScriptName String Name of the custom parameter. This argument specifies both the Parameter.ScriptName and SIObject.Name. It should not contain spaces.
ValueType siVariantType Type of the custom parameter. The recommended types are siString, siBool, siInt4, siUByte, and siFloat. (See Parameter.ValueType)
DefaultValue Variant Default value of the custom parameter. A default value for a numerical values including boolean is 0, the string default is "". (See Parameter.Default)
Min Variant Minimum value of the custom parameter. siString and siBool types do not require a Min value. For all other numerical type the default will be minimum value possible for the type for example all unsigned values will have a min=0. (See Parameter.Min)
Max Variant Maximum value of the custom parameter. siString and siBool types do not require a Max value. For all other numerical type the default will be minimum value possible for the type for example the maximum value for siUByte is 255. (See Parameter.Max)
Animatable Boolean Specify that the parameter should support animation. This argument is ignored for string parameters, which do not support animation. It is possible to override this setting on a particular instance of a parameter via Parameter.Animatable.

Default Value: true

ReadOnly Boolean Specify that the user cannot change the value of this Parameter. A read-only parameter can still be changed via scripting (see Parameter.Value) It is possible to override this setting on a particular instance of a parameter via Parameter.ReadOnly.

Default Value: false

See Also

CustomProperty, CustomProperty.AddParameter2, Parameter siCapabilities