Scene Search Attributes

Scene Search Attributes


v8.0 (2010)

View attributes for the Scene Search. These attributes support both View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.

Note See ViewAttributes for a complete list of types of attributes that you can use when customizing your Relational Views.
Attribute Name Description Supports
listmode Controls how to display the results.

Possible Values:


'Object Paths' (Default) Displays the full path through the hierarchy from the scene root.
'Object Names' Displays only the object's own name.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
searchtype Sets the scope of the search

Possible Values:


'Search Scene' (Default) Finds all elements of the specified name, type and keywords.
'Search Selection' Finds all elements of the specified name, type and keywords within the current selection.
'Search for Type' Finds all elements of the specified type and keywords.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
sorting Sorts the search results.

Possible Values:


'None' Uses the default order, based on when an element was created or parented.
'Alphabetical' (Default) Sorts the elements alphabetically. Any numeric suffix is sorted in correct numerical order, so Object2 comes before Object10.
'Type + Alphabetical' Sorts the elements by type first, and then alphabetically within each type.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
quickfilter The type or part of the name to search for, depending on the scope of the search.

Possible Values:


<any string> Any string to search for.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.