Element Types


You can use the # character in strings to work with a specific type of element. The path is important. If you do not specify any path, * is assumed. For example, the following selects all 3D objects that are not under any other model than the scene root:

SelectObj "#3dobject"

The following selects all 3D objects that are the first child of any object (including the first child of models and the scene root):

SelectObj "*.#3dobject"

Add a * at the end to continue searching after the first element in each path is found. For example, the following selects all 3D objects that are a child of any object (including children of models and the scene root) — in other words, it selects all 3D objects:

SelectObj "*.#3dobject*"

You can also use a specific object or model as the root of the path. The following selects the first child of an object or model called Fluffy:

SelectObj "Fluffy.#3dobject"

The following selects all children of Fluffy:

SelectObj "Fluffy.#3dobject*"

The following selects all children of both Fluffy and Sparky:

SelectObj "{Fluffy,Sparky}.#3dobject*"

You can use the following element types:

To do this...

Use this...

Specify overrides


Specify models


Specify 3D objects


Specify passes


Specify groups


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