Cigarette Smoke Compound


Category: Particle

Cigarette Smoke compound creates up a basic volume shader setup for ICE particles. This compound contains the Particle Renderer compound as the base, and the Particle Shaper compound, which defines the fractal and cell shapes for each particle.

To use the Cigarette Smoke particle preset, choose Particles Create Cigarette Smoke from the ICE toolbar. This creates a Cigarette Smoke Material for the point cloud, which is similar to this Cigarette Smoke compound.

For general information about ICE particle shaders, see ICE Particle Shading [ICE Particle Simulations].



The compound's name. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.

Global Smoke Density

The density of the whole particle volume. The global density is multiplied with the input Density Shape. This sets the overall effect of the density on the particle, with the center of the particle being more opaque than its edges. Low density values give softer, smoother effects (more transparency) while higher density values create more well-defined details and edges (more opacity).

Tint Ambient Color

Adjusts the ambient color of the whole particle volume.

Ambience Intensity

Intensity of the ambient shading for the whole particle volume.

Tint Diffuse Color

Adjusts the diffuse color of the volume.

Diffuse Intensity

Intensity of the diffuse shading.

Irregular Shape

Controls the intensity of the large fractal that modifies the rough shape of the particle.

Fractal Intensity

Controls the intensity of the small fractal that creates detail in the shape of the particle.

Fractal Shape

The scale of the fractal scalar texture on the particle.

Render Tree Usage

Plug this compound's Volume output into the Volume port of the point cloud's Material node. You can also plug other shaders into it, such as the Age Percentage shader in the Diffuse Intensity port.