Render Region Options Property Editor


| Render Region Options | Region Renderer | Selection | Set Pass Crop From Region

Defines exactly how your render region will render. You can set the render region to emulate your final render settings or lower the quality to obtain a faster render.

To Display (for all regions): Select Render > Regions > All Options from the Render toolbar.

To Display (for the last view you clicked in): Select Render > Regions > Active Viewport Options from the Render toolbar.

To Display (for a particular 3D view):

  1. Set the scope of an explorer to Application.

  2. Expand the Views > View A, B, C, or D node.

  3. Click the icon for the Render Region Option node.

Render Region Options

Use Current Pass Options

Use the renderer options defined for the current pass.

When Use Current Pass Options is off, the renderer options displayed in the property editor are based on the Region Renderer setting.

Region Renderer


Specifies which rendering engine (and its associated options) to use in the render region:

Use Scene Render Options: renders using the renderer defined in the Scene Render Options Property Editor.

mental ray: renders using the mental ray renderer, according to the settings defined in the mental ray Render Options Property Editor.

Hardware Renderer: renders using a hardware renderer as specified in the Hardware Renderer Property Editor.


Render Selection Only

When enabled, only selected objects will be rendered in the region.

Motion Blur

Enable Motion Blur

Activates motion blur rendering for the render region.

Override Scene Render Options

Activates the motion blur options for the render region, so that you can override the defaults set for the scene.

[motion blur options]

See the Scene Render Options Property Editor for descriptions of the motion blur options.

Set Pass Crop From Region

Copies the render region's size and position to the render pass' Pass Crop Window settings. See Render Pass Property Editor.

mental ray

Set the mental ray renderer options for the render region.

These options are only set for the region and do not affect the global mental ray renderer options or any of the local mental ray renderer options specified for the individual passes. For descriptions of all the options, see the mental ray Render Options Property Editor.

Hardware Renderer

Set the Softimage Hardware Renderer options for the render region.

These options are only set for the region and do not affect the global hardware renderer options or any of the local hardware renderer options specified for the individual passes. For descriptions of all the options, see the mental ray Render Options Property Editor.