Turbulize Color by Gradient


This compound uses a gradient to add turbulence (noise) to the particle color.

Plug this compound's Out output into any Color port, such as that of the Emit compound.

For more information, see Randomizing and Turbulizing the Color [ICE Particle Simulations].

Category: Color

Tasks: Particles/Modifiers

Output Ports: out


Defines the particle color based on the colors in the gradient bar. The particle color is taken from this gradient at emission time.

  • You can set the color in each box below the gradient by selecting it and then using the color sliders.

  • You can add more boxes by clicking anywhere beneath the gradient, or remove boxes by selecting them and pressing Delete.

  • Set the position of each box by dragging it, or enter a value between 0 and 1 in the Pos text box below.

  • Drag the small circles above the gradient to set the range of each color defined in a box.

Turbulence Scale

The amount of turbulence applied to the velocity.


Causes the noise field to evolve continuously over time.

Animation Speed

The speed at which the noise evolves.


Adds a fractal-like complexity to the noise which increases the level of detail.