Syflex Volume


This compound applies a pressure force that increases or decreases the overall volume of a polygon mesh object. This allows you to create inflation and deflation effects on a cloth object, making it behave like a soft body. The force is applied along the cloth object's normals (perpendicular to the faces) and is proportional to the volume of the object.

This compound is not supported for Syflex curves because they have no faces.

To apply: See Using the Syflex Volume Force.

Tasks: Syflex/Forces

Output Ports: The Force output plugs into the Force port on the Syflex Cloth node.


The amount of pressure, or intensity, of the force. Increasing this value inflates the polygon mesh object.


The volume of the polygon mesh object. A value is 1 is the volume of the object in its presimulated state.

It's best to leave this value at 1, and then animate the Pressure value to create the inflation/deflation effect.


The damp coefficient, which controls the intensity of the damping effect on the simulated object's movement.

High values slow down the movement of the simulated object; however, increasing the damping may also increase the computation time.